Recommendations to Parents
  • In order to secure all that is best in the education of our children, the maximum co-operation between parents and the School Authority is desired. Hence Parents/Guardians are expected to co-operate with school Authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, by seeing that they prepare their lessons daily, come to school in time, wear neat and clean uniform and take an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
  • Parents/Guardians seeking admission of their children/wards are required to the prescribed application forms duly completed in all respects. When a scholar is admitted the parents/guardians are required to produce a transfer certificate from the school last attended along with the admission form. No admission will otherwise be made.
  • The very first condition of admission is that parents/guardians will comply strictly with the terms and rules herein stated and pay by the due date the school fees and all other charges.
  • A student who fails to pay fees up to date will not be allowed to appear for examinations.
  • Leave for absence may be granted for a sufficient reason, but only on application from the parent or guardian. This must be made in advance whenever possible. The absence and leave record-sheet given at the end of this diary must be made use of.
  • Any communication (request or complaint) by the parent should be addressed to the Principal and not to the Class Teacher. When thus communicating with the Principal, Parents are requested to mention in their letter the name and the class of their children.
  • No visitors (Parents or others) are allowed to see the students or interview their teachers during class hours.
  • Parents are also requested not to visit classes during class hours. All business will be transacted in the office.
  • Parents are not to send for their children during class hours except in a case of unforeseen emergency.
  • Supply of study material/tiffin box or any other kind is strictly forbidden during the school hours. Students should be taught to bring the above material along with them.
  • Parents and guardians are required to sign all the reports and to see that their children observe all the rules of the school.
  • Parents must realise that the Parents-Teacher Meetings are very important and they should attend them regularly.
  • We welcome constructive criticism. We feel happy when parents take interest in the running of the school and point out our drawbacks. Without regular feedback from the parents, it will be difficult for us to improve. It will be better to send the complaint, if any, to Principal and not to the teachers.
  • Small children should not be entrusted with payment of fees.
  • Too much money in a child's hands ruins his/her career as a student. The parents are, therefore, requested not to entrust their children with pocket money.